Monday, May 4, 2020

Maori Values for Address and Navigate Cultural - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMaori Values for Address and Navigate Cultural. Answer: partnership participation protection For ensuring culturally safe Maori operating principles, the head of the whanau or the kaitunga should be consulted and engaged in effective partnerships where decisions form both the end should be taken (Orange, 2015). A combined effort based on the Maori peoples accessibility, needs and urgency need to be taken in partnership with the elders so that the policies can cover all aspects of their requirements in healthcare Care should be taken that the policies of the organization ensures complete participation for the Maori communities where they get the rights to voice their concerns and needs by actively participating in decision making sessions and similar other meetings for benefits of the community The policies should be such that it protects the rights of the Maori in getting the best care for professionals without any breaches of the dignity and autonomy of the patients. Partnership partnership protection While making decisions for any members of the family when admitted to the organization, partnership of the family members along with the healthcare professionals should be taken in considerations so that the elders of the whanau get the chance to suggest their decisions before the final care plan is made. This would make the client and the family members feel empowered. The client should try to participate in the care plan by suggesting their own decisions or by providing their consents to the treatment. The professional should also ensure empowering the patient by making the patient participate in health literacy programs. The health strategies should be such that it protects not only the health of the individuals but would also ensure the protection of their rights, cultural values and traditions so that they fell respected. Partnership participation protection While working in the organization, proper partnership among the colleagues should be ensured. Care should be taken that a collaborative work output takes place which will ensure better patient satisfaction (Hanusch, 2014). Every team members should participate equally through methods of proper communication, relationship building and respecting each other views and others. These would take place not only among the workers but also among workers and patients Proper protection of the workers should be ensured by every colleague by maintaining safety at workplace, protecting each others self esteem and self respect, empowering others by proper feedbacks and others. These would not only take place among workers but also among workers and clients. Kaitiakitanga: Kaitiakitanga is a Maori value that encircles the concepts of guardianship along with protection, preservation and also sheltering. It mainly portrays the management of the environment by following the traditional Maori views. It believes that all lives in the nature is connected and humans are a part of the frabric of life. It is important to understand the relationship between different parts of the web of the nature. In the workplace, it is very important for an individual to establish a stable relationship among the different components like that with other staffs, components of the workplace as well as prevent any activities that pollute the work environment or the nature (Miller, Tait Saunders, 2015). Moreover care should also be taken that our services should not destroy the biological cycles and its components and in turn maintain the sustainability of the resources used while providing service. Kaumatuatanga: This value mainly states the reciprocity of the Maori elderly and the whanau. The elders of the family (mainly the aged person ) have to maintain the role of the effective leadership in integrating the values and cultural choices of the family members. They instruct them by making them identify the right choices in life and also course the pathway of the whanau members. Recent researchers are of the opinion that the nations development of service planning for the Maori elders may make them less powerful as they would get less opportunity to develop a cultural identity. Hence, it is extremely important to maintain the value giving them the autonomy and dignity to enjoy their position as the Maori traditions believe elders to be the friend, philosopher guide in their lives (Chan et al., 2012). Therefore, in current workplace, care should be taken that interventions do not override the values of Kaumatuatanga. Mana: Mana is regarded as the value of the Maori people which entitle them to maintain the highest status in their society. They try to keep this value as high as possible by performing best deeds and achievements, avoiding any wrong actions and others. In the workplace, I would try my best to perform all the good deeds and maintain actions which brings the most positive outcomes on others (Hudso et al., 2012). We will also ensure that our work should ensure the best health of the patients so that their status in their whanau can be maintained in all possible situations. Manaakitanga: Manakitaanga can be described as the value of the Moari people which advices the Maori society to be highly responsible for being hospitable to any travelers. They take it as their duty to provide the best treatments and make them feel at home. Similarly in the workplace, we will try to make all the clients feel at home by providing the best hospitability. We should take actions that will make them feel comfortable in the new environment. Not only that, new workers who will join the association should also feel the same. Maori ora: Maori ora actually mean that the Maori life is alive. This means Maori life should have the zeal to get up and be active as long as the life is active within us (Stephenson et al., 2012). Within the healthcare system, this value can be followed as the set of directions which allow the Maori as consumers of health services to have the options of different pathways by which they can meet their important needs and also different future needs in all stages of their lives. Achieving the value will mainly mean that individual will have good health and the organization should address that the care they provide can meet all the aspect starting from prevention to treatment. Rangatiratanga: This value mainly captures the right of the people to participate in making decisions about the different aspect of their health. It also involves the providing of meaningful ways which will help in deciding how health services will bring the most beneficial outcomes for them. In the workplace, all the workers will try to incorporate this value and maintain the autonomy and dignity of the Maori patients while providing them with care. Not only, they should be asking for patients consent but will also educate them about their health so that they can select the best options for their own health. Tapu and noa: The value of tapu and noa mainly helps in providing two broad aims for the Maori society. the first aim is the survival of the future generations mainly by following actions which help in adapting more suitable with the environment. Secondly, it also acts a guide for developing social interactions with each others. Tapu mainly describes different states of danger and noa describes states of safety, openness and accessibility. By the maintaining of these values, the healthcare professionals should maintain practices and develop care plan and interventions which should be safe and hygienic and avoid any chances which would pose a risk to patient health or make them subjected to threats in lives (Harmsworth Roskruge, 2014). Tikanga: This value mainly states the importance of following the Maori styles of working and taking different actions. It mainly pays importance to the customary practices and behaviors of the Maori and maintaining such styles in every aspect of life. Therefore in the workplace, I will try to provide interventions and care following the Maori customary traditions. My care to the clients will be culturally competent where their cultural preferences and inhibitions will be taken care of by me. Wairuatanga: It is a belief of the Maori society that is considered as a unique feature of the mana whenau and tangata whenua. In this value, it is believed that there is a spiritual existence in every human being in respect to the physical self. Besides being associated with one own body, this value also states that every Maori is also associated with different components of the nature spiritually. Therefore while caring for the Maori clients, care should be taken by the individuals that the clients of the organization is provided with a holistic approach of treatments making them feel good internally for spirituals satisfactions. They should be also allowed to be exposed to nature on several occasions so that they can successfully connect themselves with the nature and maintain their lifestyle successfully (Marl, chamberlain Boulton, 2017). Whakapapa: The value of Whakapapa means providing importance of genealogy, lineage, or line of descent. It mainly represents the understanding of the collective identity as well as the purpose of the perceived value of Whanau. It mainly depicts the importance of the people to establish a sense of belonging by identifying the connections with other people, land and culture. This helps in providing a feeling of spiritual nourishments which contributes to the mental, intellectual as well as emotional well being of the whanau (Bennet Liu, 2017). Clients who would be coming to our organization for help should always be care for in a way where they would get all the efforts and care from our end which would help them to connect with their components of the ancestry of every family and that of the components of nature. This would ensure that they are happy internally and also care for their emotional and intellectual well being is taken care for. Whakarite mana: It mainly helps in describing the value of establishing a proper long lasting relationship. It mainly helps the social workers in healthcare sectors to adhere to their role description, working with proper job guidelines and their scope of practice so that they can help the employer of the organization to meet the goals. Complying with the correct workplace policies and procedures for development of privacy and safe work conditions and the clients well being would ensure the reputation of the organization to increase in many folds which will ensure a long lasting relationship with the employer. Whanaungatanga: This value mainly ensures the development of connections, relationships as well as a feeling of a sense of belonging. This value mainly states that relationships should be developed through shared experiences and also working together. In the workplace, the workers should try to include the clients as well as the different family members giving them scope to share their ideas and wished with the team and thereby help them to take the correct decisions (Orange, 2015). During development of personal plans for the clients, the family members and the clients should be allowed to share their concerns and wishes and by this they would feel empowered and respected. A: Social workers can follow the Mana-enhancing practice which ensures engagement of the clients through listening, understanding and respecting cultural differences. Also use of whakapapa and cultural narratives for proper restorative healing process through generations can also be ensured. It also provides importance to the recognitions of cultural wisdom of the Maori philosophical and ideological beliefs which will help in generating solutions or help in providing resolutions to Maori welfare. Te Whare Tapawh? can also be followed where the component of Te taha hinengaro. This ensures care which reinforces the inseparability of the mind and body. Here children need to emotionally attach with people so that the care provided to them has the best outcome (Wilson et al., 2017). Te taha wairua can also be adapted where the patients need to be connected with their spiritual side of life by the proper reinforcing of the importance of faith, health and healing to unseen and unspoken ener gies believed by them. B: Maoris are composed people who do not have the habits of challenging any healthcare professionals of their knowledge or the intervention they have taken for the patients. However, this should not be misutilised. Every healthcare professional should provide care that aligns with their cultures and traditions. They are very sensitive with their cultural beliefs and traditions and share a close bond with nature. Therefore providing care keeping the principles in mind ensure of a higher patient satisfaction. Moreover, care should be taken that families and clients decisions are entertained (Orange, 2015). This make them feel respected and feel that their dignity is cared for. These increase the chance of better patient outcomes and quick recovery in comparison to those where the principles are not followed. References: Bennett, S. T., Liu, J. H. (2017). Historical trajectories for reclaiming an indigenous identity in mental health interventions for Aotearoa/New ZealandM?ori values, biculturalism, and multiculturalism.International Journal of Intercultural Vol:: 5 (23) pp: 235 Relations. Chan, K. M., Satterfield, T., Goldstein, J. (2012). Rethinking ecosystem services to better address and navigate cultural values.Ecological economics,Vol: 74, pp: 8-18. Hanusch, F. (2014). Indigenous cultural values and journalism in the Asia-Pacific region: a brief history of M?ori journalism.Asian Journal of Communication,Vol: 24(4), pp: 390-403. Harmsworth, G., Roskruge, N. (2014). Indigenous Maori values, perspectives, and knowledge of soils in Aotearoa-New Zealand.The soil underfoot: infinite possibilities for a finite resource, Vol: 3pp: 111. Hudson, M. L., Allan, C. A., Bedford, K. R., Buckleton, J. S., Stuart, K. (2012). The impact of M?ori cultural values on forensic science practice in New Zealand.Journal of forensic sciences,Vol:53(2), pp: 380-383. DOI:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2008.00661.x Mark, G., Chamberlain, K., Boulton, A. (2017). Acknowledging the M?ori cultural values and beliefs embedded in rongo? M?ori healing.International Journal of Indigenous Health,Vol: 12(1), pp: 75-92. DOI: Miller, S., Tait, P., Saunders, C. (2015). Estimating indigenous cultural values of freshwater: A choice experiment approach to M?ori values in New Zealand.Ecological economics,Vol:118, pp: 207-214. Orange, C. (2015).The treaty of Waitangi. Bridget Williams Books. Stephenson, J. (2012). The cultural values model: an integrated approach to values in landscapes.Landscape and urban planning,Vol: 84(2), pp: 127-139. Wilson, K. (2017). The Treaty of Waitangi: Preparing beginning teachers to meet the expectations of the new professional standards.Waikato Journal of Education,Vol: 8(1). pp: 336 DOI:10.15663/wje.v8i1.442

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